Finally, a New Post!
Started this blog almost a year ago and since then, nadda. What can I say? Writing and life got in the way.
I write most days, often 6-8 hours a day - fiction. Been working on a biomedical thriller which is crazy with research. But now making headway on first major re-write. I had thought the first draft was in better shape, but because my writing style has changed so much -- thanks to agents who were kind enough to give me good notes on my first novel (Secrets of an All-Boys' Prep School) -- the rewrite of the first half of the thriller is slow going. I sure hope the second half is in better shape, but we'll see.
My first novel was loosely based on a true story, so other than doing a lot of background research on the subject matter, changing elements of the story to make it more believable as fiction and the minor detail of trying to learn how to write fiction after having written non-fiction -- mostly technical writing -- honing the story line wasn't all that hard.
My latest novel is a far more complex story line, and because I want the majority of the book to be scientifically plausible, I have had to stop frequently and conduct more research or consult the reams of info I've already collected. Anyhow, I'm on chapter 14 (out of 33) on the rewrite. Hope to finish decent draft and get it out to my 4 beta readers by mid-fall. Then back to the computer to delete, add and polish.
Gotta get back to work.