Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's not gonna happen: Me blogging on a regular basis

So much for writing new posts. It's just not going to happen, not as long as days are restricted to a lousy twenty-four hours.

Oh well: I probably would have sucked as a blogger.

But good news is that I'm almost ready to send my second novel, now (and likely temporarily) titled: Plagues: the Sequel, out to my beloved and beleaguered beta readers. Then, after receiving a major beat-down from them, I'll rewrite and edit again. After that, I'll start submitting to agents as I begin the process of writing a brand new novel (Mudder) while watching my perennials poke from the ground as they return from their long winter's nap.

I'm really excited about Mudder. I have some research yet to do, including learning more about family annihilators and the underground railroad. But I'm giving away the plot by telling you that. So I'd better stop right there and get back to work.


Misque Writer said...

To the extent that blogging competes with writing -- and I find that it does -- it's better to work on your books.

Lorra said...

Thanks for the advice misque writer. Since I rarely have time to blog, it makes me feel better after reading your advice.

Hope your writing is going well.

Josephine Damian said...

It's not gonna happen: Me blogging on a regular basis
So much for writing new posts. It's just not going to happen, not as long as days are restricted to a lousy twenty-four hours.

Lorra: Sounds like you have your priorities straight. Misque as well. Me? I'm still working on it.

Good luck with MUDDDER!